Write To Think


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Some random details on setting up modern bash on macOS.

Setting up Bash on macOS

  1. Install a modern version of bash with brew
$ brew install bash
  1. Add bash binary to /etc/shells
$ echo "$(brew --prefix)/bin/bash" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
  1. Change shell
$ chsh -s "$(brew --prefix)/bin/bash"
  1. Update hostname
sudo scutil --set HostName "macbook"

Aliases, Functions, Etc.

Some aliases I use regularly

  1. write - switch to blog directory, build html, and launch simple python web server
alias write='cd ./wcameronbowen.com && soupault && python3 -m http.server --directory build'
  1. awsl - login to awscli with iam identity center
awsl () {
    aws sso login --profile $1
    export AWS_PROFILE=$1
  1. vim - I got used to using vim and then switched to neovim
alias vim='nvim'
  1. random hex - handy random hex strings
alias hexr='hexdump -vn4 -e'\''4/4 "%08X" 1 "\n"'\'' /dev/urandom'
  1. short dig - dig, but shorter
alias digs='dig +short'
  1. go back - go back to the previous directory
alias b='cd -'
  1. pyvenv - switch to python virtual environment or create one
pyvenv () {
    if [ -d ./venv ]; then  
        source venv/bin/activate
    elif [ -d ./env ]; then
        source env/bin/activate
        python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
  1. de - shorter than typing deactivate when in python virtual environment
alias de='deactivate'
  1. myip - get my public ip
alias myip='curl -4s ipconfig.io'
  1. bash prompt - time | hostname | working wirectory | git branch | new line
export PS1='$(exitcode)\e[1m\A \e[0m\h\e[0m [\w]$(__git_ps1 " %s")\e[0m\n\$ '

Hope these help you too!