Write To Think


Linux Discovery

Last update: 2024-11-27
Reading time: 2 minutes

I have a lot of respect for engineers who can navigate a Linux system without looking up commands or constantly referencing man pages. I am not one of those people.

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Last update: 2024-11-23
Reading time: less than a minute

Some random details on setting up modern bash on macOS.

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A Useful Meeting

Last update: 2024-09-13
Reading time: 3 minutes

Seems the Pareto Principle can be applied to meetings. The first 80%, tend to be a waste of time and could have been an email. But 20% of emails/messages, should have been a meeting. Deep troubleshooting (the engineer’s version of Deep Work) across multiple services/technologies should be weighted towards real time when possible. Three to four people is about the max, not twenty people on a call. This gives introverts the opportunity to speak up and decreases distractions. It is a lot harder to wander off and start checking your email when the chances your input is needed go from one in twenty to one in four. I have countless examples (looking at you IPsec tunnels) of miscommunications or misunderstandings that required multiple exchanges to resolve. A great example follows…

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Using Soupault

Last update: 2024-08-14
Reading time: 2 minutes

AKA “How I Setup This Site v2”

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What Does Not Change

Last update: 2024-03-24
Reading time: 2 minutes

I recently read Same as Ever. Great book, definitely recommend it. I’m not going to review the book here, but it did highlight focusing on things that do not change. So I’ve started thinking, “What will not change in my life?” With AI being the cranman of modern technology, what will not change even if AI changes everything else?

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Why I Created This Site

Last update: 2024-01-15
Reading time: less than a minute

My first post was on How I Setup This Site. More for my future reference than anything. But thoughts and experiences behind why I created this site are much more interesting. God knows there are enough blogs to fill insert large area/geographic structure here. This site is not a recipe to share or a new way of accomplishing your top 10 goals this year. This site is the result of several realizations, the most influential being that writing is thinking.

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How I Setup This Site

Last update: 2024-01-13
Reading time: less than a minute

You would think that parenthetical doesn’t make a difference, more on that to come.

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