Write To Think

Posts tagged "dns"

A Useful Meeting

Last update: 2024-09-13
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Reading time: 3 minutes

Seems the Pareto Principle can be applied to meetings. The first 80%, tend to be a waste of time and could have been an email. But 20% of emails/messages, should have been a meeting. Deep troubleshooting (the engineer’s version of Deep Work) across multiple services/technologies should be weighted towards real time when possible. Three to four people is about the max, not twenty people on a call. This gives introverts the opportunity to speak up and decreases distractions. It is a lot harder to wander off and start checking your email when the chances your input is needed go from one in twenty to one in four. I have countless examples (looking at you IPsec tunnels) of miscommunications or misunderstandings that required multiple exchanges to resolve. A great example follows…

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